Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I like many, many rock bands and singers, but I am not a fan of anything. I don´t  like it. In addition most of the time are specific songs that I like, not groups. However, if I had to choose, I choose Coldplay because it is the band that I like all the songs (though not all the songs I hear with the same pleasure).
Coldplay is a British alternative rock band formed in 1996 (in London). The band members are Chris Martin, Jon Buckland, Guy Berryman and Will Champion.
Coldplay has always been an active group of several political and social causes. This is one of the reasons because I like them. Other reason is their songs make me fell peace, happiness, only Coldplay make me feel that way.
My favorite song is life in Technicolor II, besides the letter and lovely melody this song has an amazing video J

Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist (USA) known as one of the founders of humanistic psychology, a psychological tendency that postulates the existence of a basic human tendency toward mental health, which would manifest as a series of self-seeking process.
Maslow was jewish, and he felt different to be jewish. For this reason he always felt sad and alone in his childhood. I write this because maybe was important for his future work.
The most important work of Maslow (besides humanistic psychology) is  Maslow's pyramid of needs, this model suggested a hierarchy of human needs, in which the satisfaction of basic needs leads to the generation of higher needs.

I like Maslow work because I think before him psychologist didn´t think about happiness or people well-being. Maslow didn´t look for diseases, abnormalities or pathologies, he had a positive view of human being and I like it. I really hope i´ll not be a sick psychologist, finding diseases where there are none. That is sad and ridiculous. Is better looking for ways of health.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The last one

I am so happy thinking this is the last work in English! I don´t want to be mean, but I am so tired… I just want vacations.

When I started this year with English 3, I wasn´t motivate because many people told me that take English in University is a waste of time. Then I realized that is not true. I really enjoy my English classes and blogging too. Topics were interesting (most of them), and this make me use English and remember all my English grammatical knowledge (these things are forgotten easily).

The advantages of blogging in the English class are:
First, we can say what we want say. This is important because we look for the way of express ourselves, sometimes is difficult find the right words to do it or find ways to say something easily, according to our abilities.

And the disadvantages of blogging in English are that if we make a mistake while writing we don`t realized. So, maybe we don´t learn too much.

Well… this is the end :( but I really, really hope that we continue together the next semester with the same miss :) (not Thursdays afternoon would be better)

Goodbye everyone.